Not Something, Someone

I’m born into this world

Made from soul, flesh and blood

I am seen, I am heard

Unconditionally loved.

I feel joy, I feel pain

I feel hunger and thirst

I need food, I need water

And a safe place to rest.

I strive to stay alive 

I have instinct and will

I shall fight to survive

I shall not ever kill.

I have a sweet loving mother

To protect and to teach me

We are bound to each other

She is yearning to reach me.

Please, for a moment

Consider your choice

You can make others listen

You can give me a voice.

I am not just a product

To display on a shelf

I am not an ingredient

do have a true self.

I could still have a future

Of some twenty five years

I could live my whole life free

Without torture and fear.

If you look in my eyes

You will see who I am

I am not just a something

Just like you, I’m Someone.

Written & Illustrated by Theresa Danezis

