
The Ageless Soul

From the instant we are born, till we take our final breath, we carry every single one of our age mentalities at each moment of our lives. Upon looking closely, one can see the wisdom of a senior, in an infant only a few moments into the world, just as an old, wrinkled pair of eyes, still hold the innocence and curiosity of a young child. What we truly see, is the Ageless Soul.

As we navigate our lives, we often find ourselves gripped by the strange hand of our own age. When we are children, we are able to instinctively live in the moment and witness everything around us with enthusiasm and passion. But we feel confined by our age limitations and we wish to be rid of them and be allowed to do “grown up things”. As young adults, we feel invincible. The world revolves only around ourselves. We rarely think about the future consequences of our actions, we are reckless, brave and daring, fearless and mock the reservations of those that are older. As years go by, our experiences and our understandings of the world around us begin to saturate us with growing wisdom. We become aware of our limitations and our mortality. We begin to realise how our actions affect others and how we are part of a bigger picture.

Some of us are fortunate enough to have children of our own and our significance in the world instantly shiifts from ourselves to them. Children are marvellous at reminding us of our wonder for life, from its simplest forms, to its utmost glory, a wonder we often learn to bury under routine and responsibility.

Our children grow before our eyes, so incredibly fast that they feel like sand slipping through our fingers. They become adults of their own and the cycle begins again. 

Our body, our most fascinating, extraordinary and priceless possession, begins to change. Some of us mistreat and abuse it, some of us worship it and treat it like a temple, but regardless, sooner or later, all our bodies will inevitably follow the course of ageing.

A lot of us try desperately to prevent this natural process. We are brainwashed by society, media, culture, judged by our vanity and intimidated by our own insecurities. We fight back with every means possible, sometimes even means that are harmful and shorten our lifespans. How strange!

But underneath this heavy blanket of conformity, which smoulders our spontaneity, drives our behaviours and dictates our life, lies the Ageless Soul.

Who determines whether we are young, middle aged or old? 

When my daughter Lyra was born and I first held her in my arms, I was awed at how knowing and wise her little face looked. Her expression was full of love and serenity, but also that of someone who has been through an ordeal, and knows well of the ways of the world. 

In fact both my children have stunned me with their wisdom at several different moments in time. Luca, when he was but 4 years old, once sat on the piano and began to play an improvised melody with the contemplation and sensitivity you would find in a well seasoned and experienced person. I am not referring to his musical skill, but to the delicacy of the feeling he portrayed through the notes.

My mother is almost 90 years old and I still so often see her ageless soul. She will flirt with a young handsome waiter, having the spark of a seventeen year old in her eyes and the mannerisms to go with it. She will sulk for attention like a toddler, when scolded for not taking her medication. She will eagerly put her shoes on to go for a walk, full of that youthful anticipation. And at the same time, she offers her knowledge and wisdom, mightily obtained from almost a whole century of Life.

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This is because we are not just made of skin and bone and vulnerable, ageing physiques. We all carry Ageless Souls. Souls that are not defined or dictated by what comes and goes, by time or years, by societal expectations. They are so much more intricate and pure than what human, mortal minds can conceive. 

Think of sentient animals. They barely change as they age. They may slow down and become physically less able, but they pretty much look and behave the same. This is because they are not concerned with appearances or conformities. They are only ever concerned with Life. They let their Ageless Soul run things.

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Your Ageless Soul has no fear of ageing or wrinkles. It makes no effort to be anything than what it is. It may offer wisdom when young, or play when old. It holds no contempt towards time. It lives for the moment and instinctively celebrates Life and Love. 

Let it!

- Written by Theresa Danezis Benincasa -

