Fresh Steamed Artichokes With A Mustard Vinaigrette

Fresh Steamed Artichokes
With A Mustard Vinaigrette
Plant Based / Dairy Free / Gluten Free / Nut Free
Serves 4
Artichokes are one of those vegetables people love or hate. We adore them! When eaten fresh, and prepared in this simple delicious way, they are a completely different affair to your usual tinned or frozen varieties. Apart from their beauty and their very impressive nutritional profile, fresh artichokes have a delicate, sweet taste and a juicy succulent texture. They make a fun starter and can be accompanied by any dip or sauce of your choice. If you come across them, try them!
- For The Artichokes -
4 fresh artichokes
1 lemon
1tbsp olive oil
Some water
Salt & pepper to taste
- For The Mustard Vinaigrette -
1/2 a red onion, peeled and finely chopped
1tbsp fresh parsley, finely chopped
3tbsp olive oil
1tbsp mild yellow mustard
Juice of 1/2 a lemon
1tsp white wine vinegar
1/2tsp salt
- Preparation -
Rinse artichokes with fresh water.
Cut off the stems, leaving about an inch (2-3cm) on.
Peel off the harder leaves surrounding the stem.
With a pair of good scissors, snip the tips of the remaining leaves.
With a serrated knife, cut the top part of each artichoke, about an inch (3cm) down and discard.
With a lemon half, rub each artichoke all over the cut areas to prevent oxidising.
- To Cook -
Place the artichokes facing down, in a large deep pan.
Add enough water to cover the base of the pan to about 1 inch (3cm) height.
Squeeze the juice from the cut lemon over the artichokes and place the squeezed halves in the pan. Drizzle a tbsp of olive oil over the artichokes.
Place over medium heat and simmer for 30-40 minutes, until the stems are fork tender.
Keep an eye on the water level, in case it needs topping up.
Using a large spoon, remove the artichokes from the pan and place on a cutting board.
With a large knife, cut the artichokes lengthways in half.
In the centre of each artichoke, right above the stem and heart, you will find the choke, which is a hairy inedible part that needs to be removed. To do this, take a spoon and scoop the centre of each artichoke out, as shown in pictures.
- For The Vinaigrette -
Whisk all ingredients together.
- To Serve -
Place the artichokes on a large platter. Season them with salt and pepper. Drizzle some of the vinaigrette over them and place the rest in a bowl for dipping.
- To Enjoy -
Pull a leaf off the artichoke, dip it in the vinaigrette and scrape the soft meaty part at the base of the leaf with your teeth. Discard the leaf and repeat with another. When all the leaves are removed, you are left with the artichoke heart, which is the best part and fully edible. Dip it in the sauce and enjoy!
Artichokes are actually not vegetables, but part of the thistle family. They are loaded with powerful nutrients, some of which are fibre, folate, vitamin C, vitamin K, vitamin B6, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium and zinc.
Artichoke leaf extract impressively lowers bad cholesterol levels, while increasing good cholesterol levels. It has also been shown to lower blood pressure, lower blood sugar, improve liver health and aid digestion by boosting the good bacteria in the gut. Furthermore, some animal studies have shown it may help fight against cancer growth.